And I said I'd report back, but I never did! Here is the best photo of the
hugel with green things growing. Sorry it's not very close up. It's the back bed, behind the big sunflowers.
As for what I planted, the favas got some kind of mold or wilt or rot. The snap peas loved the hugel. The alliums grew decently, as did some dill and cilantro I scattered around. My purple mustard greens, which are foolproof everywhere else, were stunted and didn't grow past a few inches tall.
In the fall it started to settle a little and get gaps in places. Some little critters were digging around--squirrels hiding acorns, or
mice actually building nests? Who knows. I tried to pack the holes that appeared with dirt and didn't worry about it too much. Whatever it was wasn't eating my veggies.
Next year the plan is peas and bush beans, with some herbs scattered around it. I was thinking about potatoes, but after watching a few youtube videos of the folks who grow their potatoes in bags and buckets and then just dump them out when they're done growing, that seems like a way easier way to grow taters.
I'll try to remember to post some year two photos!