I have just discovered my property has scorpions on it. Of
course, I learned this the hard way. Having never been stung before I have done a lot of searching to see how to treat the sting. luckily I am not allergic so no big deal. however my daughter is not quite 3 and my wife is 7 months pregnant with our son. Scorpions are relatively harmless to adults but not so much very small children. I was hoping someone here could help me find an appropriate way to deal with them. I have had trouble finding predators for them. I have found birds can be predators. Does anyone know what birds can be used to help eliminate the threat of scorpions on a homestead in Jamaica? I have 10 acres on the southern coast of Jamaica. We are a very dry location and I will be raising
chickens and ducks. have not been able to find anyone to tell me if either of these birds will deal with scorpions. I will probably add turkeys as well but don't know if they will be effective predators or not. really hope someone can help with this.