The liquid
carbon pathway (LCP) is a recently discovered carbon pump into the soil that functions quite efficiently for those wishing to add their part by carbon farming with
Here is a very brief and simplified Technical Brief on how it works:
Technical Brief: The Liquid Carbon Pathway
Of course this particular paper uses
biochar to get that initial jump start to the LCP functioning again on degraded ground. Properly done cell grazing has been shown to do it as well. While I haven't actually seen any paper supporting this, I highly suspect
hugelkultur would too. Until the discovery of glomalin in 1996 by USDA researcher, Dr. Sara Wright, that pathway was unknown and the carbon found deep in soils was thought to have derived primarily from very slow accumulation of the litter layer, or what we permaculturists like to call "chop and drop". However, I suspect there are many of you out there that may be able to get even better results by adding this to your toolkit along with all the other tools
permaculture uses.
"Permaculture is a philosophy of working with, rather than against nature; of protracted & thoughtful observation rather than protracted & thoughtless labour; & of looking at plants & animals in all their functions, rather than treating any area as a single-product system."-Bill Mollison