We have 3 large, gnarly
Apple trees that appear to have multiple fungi and pests. I just learned about cedar
Apple rot after finding those nasty orange fungus alien-brain looking things on the cedar trees close to my apples. We also get the big black spots and some of my apples are shriveled and I have some of the black calouses on my tree.
So far we have pruned the worst limbs and we are cutting down our cedars and our junipers. Is there anything natural that can be done to help relieve the trees of funguses? I am not opposed to spraying something on them that will not be harmful to insects, animals or people. I saw Stefan Sobkowiak sprays his Orchard with whey but I think our issue is beyond a preventative measure. I am open to any and all suggestions. One tree looks so bad I am wondering if I
should chop it or if grafting a fungus resistant tree onto it could work? I am completely new to this! Help!! I just want to eat my apples!