Here's our blog from Balkan Ecology
Our mission is to develop and promote practices that provide nutritious affordable food while enhancing biodiversity.
Researching, designing and implementing systems on the ground
Providing working examples of our designs at our sites open for the public to visit
Providing quality education and training to aspiring growers and landscapers
Practicing an open source policy, whereby we disseminate our results freely and share all aspects of our work
Growing, selling and promoting the use of plants and plant communities that have high ecological and nutritional value
Encourage people, specifically young people, to get started in business centered around the quality biological production of food in systems that protect and enhance biodiversity
Deliver models that require low initial investment and are easily replicated
Provide inspiration, and high quality training/education to would be start-up producers backed up with effective support in order to facilitate a network of successful biological food producing businesses
Expand our research to focus on the productivity and habitat provisions of our
perennial polycultures.
Balkan Ecology Project is a family run project - Paul, Sophie, their two boys Dylan and Archie. They moved to Bulgaria from the UK in 2005, before which Paul worked as an arborist, running a tree care business in the suburbs of South London and Sophie worked as a registered nurse. Inspired by the widespread horticulture and incredible biodiversity of Bulgaria and after reading Linda Woodrow's
Permaculture Home Garden they co-founded Permaship and started to develop productive ecological gardens and education programs.
In 2010 they established Balkan Ecology Project the goal being to reach a wider audience by providing tried and tested models of food production that yield quality produce, promote ecosystem heath, and can be replicated easily in terms of the skills required to run them and the financial investment needed to start up.
Balkan Ecology Project activities currently include
Biological Plant Nursery - Educational Courses -
Local Land Stewardship -
Polyculture Research - Market
Gardening - Consultancy and Design
The blog is full of info related to this
Is anyone else blogging? , please share below