Early this spring, I saw a tree blooming in the wild tangle in the sheep pasture. I use the term pasture loosely, because there was only about a 10' strip of grass down the side. This past week, we have been hacking out green briars and even got the
tractor through in two places. We have hauled 5 pickup loads of briar vines out of the "pasture". I can now get close to the tree that was blooming earlier this spring. I saw little clumps of green berries hanging on the branches and got excited! I took pictures and looked up Mayhaws on the internet and I am almost 100% certain I have a Mayhaw tree!
The poor tree is choked with green briar vines. These vines grow straight up into the lowest branches, wrap around them and head for the tops where they rob the sunlight from the tree. We have been cutting them off at the ground and pulling the vines out. We will wait for the fruit to ripen and cut the vines out afterward. There isn't a lot of fruit on the tree, but a lot of cleaning out the briars and a good layer of
compost and some TLC ought to sure make a difference for next year.