Robbie, Our book was written based on our knowledge of our working farm, atop an appalachian ridge! But we are living in Montana now, elevation 3500+ so I am not at your height! By the way you live in an awesome place! With all that said, I have an entire chapter on "Indoor" growing. I am fiddling with both indoor and out door here. Our indoor stuff is working fine, outside we're still learning. If you can create an indoor space you will have better success quicker. Indoor grow rooms can come in a variety of ways, small sheds w/ electric if possible. I also give you the parameters in the different species. Knowing your market and what substrate is available to you is going to be extremely helpful. You can buy grow kits you get 6 fr about $100, but you'll have to
sell them at extremely high prices to break even. You can make your own and we discuss that in the book. Start out with easy to grow aggressive varieties-oyster could be the easiest, and they come in a variety of colors, flavors etc. When we had hot summers we did Pink oyster and they flew off the table and orders were placed. Cool summers they failed at a high rate, they don't like < 55 degrees. Your nights are probably like ours here in MT where it drops fast when the sun goes down. The indoor approach would help alleviate those issues too.
I obviously have to plug the book because everything I have said is in it and it is an easy to read, and fun read! you can order it.
Hope some of this helps. Further more in the back of our book you'll find 5 pages of resources for growing needs.