I have had
rabbits for over a decade, mostly meat production. We kept rabbit records on paper, just like most of the
books tell you to. After several years, the paper started mounting up and it was difficult to get information to compare rabbits at a glance. For a while, we entered things into excel to get charts for growth and production rates, but we were still have to record everything on paper, and it was a real pain. We knew there had to be a better way, and none of the existing programs really did what we needed.
So, we decided to build a rabbit app, something that works well on all devices (phones, desktops, tablets, etc) where we could input rabbit weights and other data right at the cage with no paper needed. It's been a great
project, and we've had lots of users try the app out and give us feedback to make it better. We've been developing Hutch for over 6 months, now, and it has come a long way.
Hutch has become a full-blown rabbit system with scheduling, pedigrees, cost/expense tracking, breeder management, litter tracking, reports and much more. We now have over 1200 users and over 20,000 rabbits in the system. Hutch is the fastest growing rabbit app on the web!
Our users still give us feedback and we are still developing new features all the time. The system continues to improve according to what users want and need.
If you need something like this, you can try the app for free here:
Here's what it looks like: