A seed company here has Chilean Hazels in the catalog (Phoenix), and they say it needs 7 years to fruit from seed. I haven't found them in a nursery here , I would prefer buying a plant rather than waiting for ages. Does anyone has these nuts?
Haven't heard of the Chileans. There are several companies selling hybrids that are a cross between European and American hazels. These are more of a shrub than a tree, and there is a fair amount of buzz that they are better adapted to the US, could lead to high yields with low inputs.
Haven't heard of Chilean hazels, but saw that there are Turkish hazels available in the US. Supposed to be higher in fat, better flavor (!) than the typical US varieties....
Unfortunately I cannot import trees, would be too expensive anyway. The Chilean hazel is a completely other tree, I think even a different family. I look for the Turkish hazels as well. I think it is important to have some nut trees who are a bit adaptable to the climate and do not need too much chilling like walnuts or hazels.
My first bit of advice is that if you are going to be a mime, you shouldn't talk. Even the tiny ad is nodding: