posted 8 years ago
Five months ago, we built our first natural swimming pool (yey!) with lots of recommended plants, a bubble system, and a filter (made out of an old inner tub from a washing machine). I live in Thailand and for the past few months, it's been the rainy season (overcast) but now that the rainy season is ending we are seeing more sun - and it looks like, more algae.
Once I accepted this new development, I have been enjoying removing the green string algae daily. But then I thought, "hey I bet I could do something better with this dark green awesomeness instead of throwing it over and away."
My husband, who is Thai, says that people around here eat it, and while I do plan on investigating that eventually, I wanted to know if anyone out there had some other ideas in the meantime. Although if anyone out there has some tips on how to 'prepare' string algae for safe consumption, I would LOVE to know that too.
Looking forward to your responses,