I'm preparing for backpacking season here in PA and would like to make some durable hardtack/trail bread. Traditional hardtack is usually flour,
water, and salt, but I have also found recipes
online that use flour and
honey. So today I put together a batch of dough that consisted of almond flour, coconut flour, water, honey, dried rosemary, salt, and turmeric powder. My first batch of biscuits came out solid but slightly too fluffy and crumbly. In the second batch I added more honey and water to my leftover dough, hoping to make the dough denser. Once baked and cooled they were still too crumbly. Right now my experiments are in my dehydrator, for they will make great breadcrumbs! Has anyone experimented with making a paleo hardtack or even a basic paleo bread recipe that uses ingredients that wont spoil? I'm not much of a baker, but I am discovering that it is a fun hobby and challenge (especially baking Paleo!)