Anyone know good companion plants for Dioscorea alata (true yam)? Tracing it back up the scientific classification tree, I can't find anything it's related to that I might find a match (i.e. Apios americana is in the Fabaceae family, so I treat it like a bean for companion plant purposes.) Help please...
In brazil people are having sucess including it in Milpa(tree sisters, corn, beans and squash). I would combine it with a climbing bean and a ground cover crop (nasturtium, squash, sweet potato,etc). Look for what season and climate and what can grow.
Thank you, Bruno- I will be growing corn this year, so I will try some alata with them, plus some short bean and Seminole pumpkin as the squash. They are still dormant, so hopefully the corn will get a good start before the alatas need something to climb!
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