Any food
should be eaten following the "All Things In Moderation" motto.
Nettles are a good food, but if you are eating them more than two times a week in quantity, you might be heading towards trouble.
Nettles are a
Medicinal Herb, as such they have properties that when overdone can create issues with health.
It might be possible to eat nettle every day for a long period with out any symptoms manifesting, then one day, boom.
It is also possible that one would never see a manifestation of any of the symptomatic issues that could arise.
I like that you are doing the research, and yes they are a superior tasting food.
Crohn's is caused by either an imbalance of nutrients, internalization of stress over a long period of time or a combination of the two.
I have relatives that used to suffer with it but now that they have taken the time to learn the causes and make changes in their lives, they no longer suffer the symptoms.
For their cases, one of the key factors was diet, the other was beginning to follow a lower key lifestyle along with learning to not worry about every little thing.
For many people who suffer with Crohn's the stress factor is the toughie, hard to not stress about having Crohn's, add that to the normal everyday stress of living and the whole thing can snowball.
There is a lot written about nettle by many good authors who are herbalists.