posted 7 years ago
Manuka is the plant which is a bush and not a tree called Leptospermum scoparium occuring naturally in New Zealand.
The New Zealand name is Manuka.
Australia also has Lepstospermum scoparium occuring naturally and our general name for it is Tea Tree.
There are many different tea tree range in the FAMILY: MYRTACEAE of Leptospermum.
These plants are very pretty and occur mainly in red, pink and white.
Bees just love them as they do with the Acacia, Eucalypts, Banksias, Corymbias, Callistemon, Grevillea, Melaleuca, Hakea and Kunzea plants of Australia.
There are many many plants from Australia that suit bees. The great thing about Aussie plants is they mostly survive on neglect.