Hi. My partner and I are in the process of planning some travels in the Spring and Summer of next year. I (Sam) will be leaving behind a job as a carpenter and Hannah will have just ended a season on an organic vegetable farm. Neither of us are afraid of hard work and roughing it a bit. We're interested in working and learning as we travel South from Charlottesville, VA into North Carolina. Especially hoping to spend some time in the Triangle area and near Asheville.
More than anything we're hoping to get some hands on
experience with all things
permaculture. Our main interests are:
- natural building/ecological design
- earthworks/hugelkulture/irrigation free farming
- ancestral/traditional skills
intentional community
We'd also love to meet up with
local Food Not Bombs or other food rescue chapters or other kinds of waste conscious service work.
Part of our plan is to document and share the stories of people living healthy, happy, and satisfied lives while integrating permacultre principles into their work and homes.
Please share any thoughts/suggestions about people and places to visit. Thanks!