I have a small forest garden in my backyard in Central Indiana. I have peaches, apples, pears and cherries planted (all dwarf or semi-dwarf due to space constraints) and they are all producing. I have a few shrubs (Goumi and Nanking Cherry) but would like to plant more
perennial and annual vegetables starting next Spring. The problem is that I have wildflowers and herbs currently occupying the understory of these fruit
trees. What are some methods to get rid of the wildflowers and herbs to plant other edible vegetables without digging/tilling and disturbing the soil? I can mow them down at the end of the season and mulch in place, but I'm afraid that they will just come back next year unless I dig or till to plant the new species I would like to grow. If anyone has any
experience with this or guidance they can provide, I would appreciate it.