If you're worried about both light and heat, why not plant things that require less of both? Peas, carrots, lettuces, and spinach would be great winter crops, plus if you for whatever reason, can't light the stove on one night, some or most of your crops might live through a bit of frost.
What about running the vent pipe under the soil itself? Put some insulation underneath to channel the heat upwards, and 12 inches of soil on top. I don't know if that would be too heavy, might need some bracing. Dig into the ground, and build the stove a foot or two below grade to make running the vent easier.
Running vent through a
cob wall would probably work ok, but my concern is this: heat rises, and the place it is needed the most is down at the soil level. Having that heat in the wall would be ok, but I just think it would be MOST effective under the soil, keeping the
roots warm, which is what a lot of plants like anyway.
You could easily dig it up and move it, but once you embed it in a wall, it's there for good!