Will be held in Rochester NY on Saturday April 9. Please join us for the second year of regional gathering in Upstate NY. Full details are available at:
http://www.alchemicalnursery.org/news/363-2011-upstate-new-york-permaculture-gathering-april-9-in-rochester.html Contact Rochester Green Living for questions or tabling at:
http://www.rochestergreenliving.com/ 12:00 - 12:10 WELCOME! by event organizer Peter Turkow, Co-Founder of Rochester Green Living.com
12:20 - 12:50 “Introduction to Permaculture” - Michael Burns, a Co-Founder and Education Director of the
Finger Lakes
Permaculture Insititute (FLPCI), will be giving an introduction to the
ideas of
permaculture design, including a brief review of FLPCI's programs.
1:00 - 1:30 "What's happening in Rochester
Permaculture?" - Patty Love, owner of Barefoot Edible
Landscape and
Permaculture and Founder and Program Director of Rochester Permaculture
Institute will talk about permaculture initiatives and opportunities happening in Rochester.
1:40 – 2:00 "Community Permaculture Design Open "Best Design" Award Announced"
Frank Cetera, Director of The Alchemical Nursery and a panel of Permaculture experts will
announce the winner of this ANYONE-can-enter event. For more info: AlchemicalNursery.org
2:00 – 3:00 BREAK - Take a walk through the 30+ vendors and enjoy LIVE music from Serge & Friends
3:00 - 3:30 “Financial Permaculture” - Andrew Leslie Phillips, Founder of Hancock Permaculture
Center (.org) and Permaculture Design Solutions (.com) will be educating on his ideals of
systems thinking approaches, keeping it
local, financial ecology and how money can be seen
as a resource like
3:40 - 4:10 “Update from the Region" - Steve Gabriel, Program Director for FLPCI and
PINE Board Member will share overview of projects, groups, and permaculture developments
in New York state and the Northeast region.
4:20 - 5:00 “Eco-Villages a.k.a Intentional Communities” - Dr. Nancy Eos (Family & Holistic Medicine)
AND author, natural builder & self-reliance expert Jim Juczak (the Juczak Family live on their
own eco-village, “Woodhenge” in Adams Center, NY) and will present on how to join or start
an Eco-Village and the self reliant living strategies involved.
5:00 - 6:00 “Questions & Answers” with
workshop presenters, open networking & idea sharing.