I've had about 3/4 of an acer of raspberries since 6 years ago when I expanded the patch. I've introduced garlic and chives wich do very well under the raspberries and seed themselves. Mint did so well with the raspberries that I had to stop its spread but I think a smaller variaty of mint would be less problematic. Rhubarb does good there to but needs some help to spread. I have recently mixed in some jeruselem artichokes, currants, and a sascatoonberry bush. I also grow ploe beans (wich climb on the tall raspberry twigs) and squash in any openings. I would like to see if the raspberries could support grape vines and hardy chinese yams. I feel sure that leeks and onions would do well with them too because they start earlier in spring than the raspberries. A tall (5ft)
perennial grass has moved in and is spreading but if I had animals here to feed it to I am sure it could be controled just by cut and carry feeding.
Trees are starting to move in and become a problem, but its not hard to control them.