When considering a Vertical layer in your Food Forest,
what do you grow or like to incorporate?
What does well and is trouble free? Which are hardy vines?
I like:
Chayote (Sechium edule) I have been growing this for its greens and fruit
and the fact that its long lived.
Blackberries – I have a very vigorous but thorny type – but we like them closer to home than in the “wild” garden. But will put some in to attract birds.
Kiwi - will put in some soon.
Passion Fruit (Grenadilla) – easy and trouble free - I have a yellow and the regular purple ones.
The yellow (Brazillian) is very vigorous and the current plants are prolific.
Fruits bigger than a baseball !
others -
Limas and regular Beans, I like that they are easy to just push into the soil
where they can grow onto some shrubs or
Melons, Luffas or Pickling Melons need to be replanted every season.
Harvesting most of these
should be easy and a “picker” on a pole could be used.
I would like to get some more “wild” types but getting seeds of exotics
such as Akebia or vining Malabar Spinach is a challenge.
I have read about Schisandra chinensis here
http://remineralize.org/site/blog/magazine/dr-tso-cheng-chang-the-amazing-tale-of-a-farmer-from-farm-to-table But hard to find plants such as these may never find their way to our garden.