Hey all!
I am interested on building a composting
urine diversion toilet on a farm. I went through a lot of reading and am still somewhat confused. To begin with I need to choose between aerobic and anaerobic toilet. I am doing it all DIY so I would like to find a good process that would ultimately yield the best soil/fertilizer for the farm soil.
I was leaning at the beginning on the clivus minimus design as it looks efficient and without too much handling it.
A member of this forum Chad Sentman got me interested about the terra preta concept and through that to the anaerobic toilets concept (I use my kitchen scraps for biogas so I am familiar with anaerobic digester)
But it left me pretty confused as to how the method go, it looks like a complex process and I would like to perhaps be helped to implement it more easily, to find a compromise between the methods or to settle on one so I'm gonna shoot up some questions hoping this community could provide me with some guidance
To begin with, he pointed out that the Clivus design actually actually just dehydrate the
compost and I am not sure if it's true, I do know that it bare resemblance to a
solar dehydrator or am I mistaken? Wterra preta/ clivus minimus
ould adding of
biochar to the compost help in preserving the escape of nutrients ?( I have a woodgas stove that I cook on)
As for the terra preta, how do I inoculate with the lactofermenting bacteria, could one produce the inuculum diy? what kind of amount is needed and is it worth it?
I came across designs of anaerobic composting toilet that do not use the lactofermenting bacteria, instead the wast material is stored in a air tight container (some said with open bottom with brown leafs and soil) to a period of12-18 month. would this be a more accessible way to compost? (same question about adding biochar)
Thank you