Hi All,
I need more info on the hows and whys of soil connectivity tests.
My understanding, that by taking a reading using an EC meter and recording the reading.
One can determine the minerals available in the soil and monitor the nutrient availability throughout the growing season.
I have not determined what the ideal reading
should be, but have read that at planting - 200 millisiemens and 600 to 800 millisiemens when the plant is in a growing phase.
The process is to have a reading before planting (Is it worth planting the crop at all?) and then monitoring throughout the growing phase.
By taking regular readings one can see if there are any nutrient deficiencies that need to be addressed as this does not show up in the leaves till it may be too late.
I know that if you
feed your crop regular, this should not happen but for a little effort and hardly any cost it may be well worth it.
All input on this subject will be helpful.
Thanks in advance