Hello Dennis!
Most sprayers will struggle with particles, especially if your trying to create a fine mist, like with foliar feeding. If your tired of cleaning out a clogged nozzle. I would suggest pouring the tea through some type of fabric to catch any particles, before putting it in your sprayer. A makeshift filter of sorts, would be easy to make, and you could use most tight weave cloths as the filter. If you can't put the cloth over the fill opening in your sprayer. Try a cleaned out
bucket for catchment, take another bucket with holes in the bottom for drainage, and tie your filtering cloth around the top of the bucket with holes. Make sure you tie the cloth with some bag in it, so it has a concave bowl shape to accommodate the pouring liquid. Set the filter bucket inside the catchment bucket; then pour in your tea. After pouring, just slowly lift up on the filter bucket, untill all your tea is in the catchment bucket. Now your ready to load your sprayer, for amore trouble free spraying.
Hope that helps