Hi JP,
There is an excellent article I like to refer people to pertaining to wood:
It's pretty well packed with good stuff. Here's a quote:
"Wood used inside of homes as finished trim, cabinets and flooring, should be installed at a MC close to 8%. Wood used in exterior applications is a different story – it depends on where you live. In New England 14% MC is a good target. In Tucson, a 6% MC would be a better mark. The USDA Forest Products Laboratory in Madison has a pamphlet (FPL-RN-0268) listing outdoor EMC’s for about 350 cities worldwide."
As with almost all things in building,
the answer depends, but I've attached the FPL-RN-0268 pamphlet and the link is:
That being said, I wouldn't have the buried wood in contact with the soil . . .