In england the old fgshioned way is to put blood and bone in the bottom of the hole you are planting the tree in and i have thought about it and thought, plants roots go for nutrients maybe if you put nutrients at the bottom of the hole rain washes them deeper into the ground encourageing the plants roots to grow down into the ground.
permaculture wouldd have you put a lot of mulch under the trees ther is always a quesiton of if you can lay your hands on mulch or not
cardboard can be picked up in the streeet of towns for example i am not sure that it does not have insecticides in it i have smelt insec¡ticides in the last cardboard i picked up , kknewspaper the mashed cutting of trees and bushes .
OPernamacklutruer designs include the planting of a variety of tresss and plants it is not about just planting your crops plant but abnbout creating interacting web of different polants fungi and animals. youi include
chicken or duck for pest control and so they will provide manure for the garden, if you are to follow bill molisons entire plan or design.
There are plant families or guildes you can plant with your fruit trees yarrow and lemon balm and comfrey. comfrey grows plentifully and gives you mulch to cut and drop on the ground round the tree i dont know what yarrow does maybe it attracts bennies which is to say feeds useful insects with nectare and polen and has
deep roots that start to condition the soil at some depth incteasing the area in which your crops can find food.
permaculture you dont just plant a few fruit trees you plan a lot of companion plants you plant tall trees that would form the top storey in a
wood, umbrella pines in a mediteranean climate tha tgive pine ¡nuts and oaks whose acorns coudld
feed chickens, palm trees maybe and get some dates, these give a bit of shade to trees that might not want too much sun and you plant
nitrogen fixing trees as well as clover maybe. I dont know why you plant nitrogen fixing trees instead of just nitrogen fixing low plants maybe, because the trees with nitrogen tixing nodules on th eroots help to prepare the soil at a depth and that is an advantage to you crops who can then feed at many levels of soil. I have jus tplanted a judas tree that which has nitrogen fixing nodules on the roots and two wattle or mimosa trees real acacias are luguminouse trees with nitrogen fixing nodules on the roots and so are the American
locust trees and the cianotheos of california. the proposis cineria ghaf tree of the arabin penisula and khejri tree of india that
You would as a purist, following what is called
permaculture desgn or plan plant a complete a complete ecosystem if you can afford to do such a thing in one go.
Permaculture idoes not give instructions on how to plant one sort of tree, does not only plant fruit trees but also plant bushes and herbaciouse plants and then things ike clover. and root vegetales and climbers the classic permaculture design is to copy the design of a wood and this is explained with the idea that you have to plants seven levels of plants and have a clearing in you wood maybe for plants that really need full sunlight. Look up the greening the desert video in you tube by
Geoff Lawton to see what real permaculture garden would be like. Geoff lawton says that the extent to which
Bill Mollison just lets every thing grow is suprising he goes much further than Geof Lawton had dared to do in allowing nature to sort herself out and be plentifull and varied geof lawton in one video talks of putting in a plant for nice beauty.
i suspect they put in micorrhyzal fungi too. if you want mycorrhyzal fungi to accompany your trees, you put a measure full of spores of mycorrhyzal fungi at the bootom of the hole in which you are going to plant your tree where the roots of the tree will be in contact with the powder and so the spores should take to the roots of your tree and to the roots of other plants, i imagine you should do this in a wet season.
The hypha of fungi are much better at picking up water and minerals than plants roots are and are much more extensive than the roots of plants though too thin to be seen, they come into contact with more soil than plant roots so if your plant is accompanied by mycorrhyzal fungi it should be getting many more nutrients. It is a symbiotic relationship the plant hands sugars, elaborated food, to the fungi in exchange for the mineral it receives.
Plants always have mycorrhyzal fungi but it seem they have a much better growth if you innoculate them with it.
If you put mycorrhyzal fungi into the hole you plant the tree in I would suggest you dont put in fertilizer as fungi has a race with microbes, it races to establish itself before it gets eaten up by the microbes and fertiliser might tip the balance in favour of the microbes.
Paul Stamets sells this product in America, his packet is called, Myco Grow, and he ships it around the world. The famouse nursery Thompson and Morgan,
sell it in England, their product is calleed Root Grow and Zander company sell it in the middle east in big quantities for farmers i think, adapted for the desert with fungi that grow in deserts and Zander Company have done projects in Spain, so maybe they sell it here too.
In the east of europe, according to Paul Stamets they grow garden giant
mushrooms with their corn garden giants are not miycorhyzal fungi but ordinary saprofitic fungi still it seems that the prescence of ordinary fungi can also snhance the grwoth of crop plants. The east of Europe are the regions of the famouse chernozen black soils, maybe there is a connection between the use of fungi and the good soils.
What plants to pant with crops plants.
On the one hand you have plant guilds, set groups of plants known to be usefull some to one plant and some to another and you can look up the appropiate guild for your trees. On tthe other hand you have permaculturist like
Sepp Holzer who collects wild plant seed and the seed of what he is cultivating and throws the mixed seed around onto the ground and lets nature sort out wha twill grow there and what will accompany each plant or not so you then you offer a plentifull mixe and have naturally occuring plants families. I think all permaculturist would agree thar any plant might help as we find out everyyears different bits of new information about how plants interlate, except in the cases that there is a known incompatability between plants.
of course knowing how to plant each plant may help with each plant but premaculture is about the mix that will optimize the possiblility of success. It is about bettering your soil as much as about your crop plant so it is about planting you nitrogen fixinfg plants and thigns tha grow fast giving you a lot of mulch as well as about your fruit tree. agri
rose macaskie