The Missing Kind, a UK based charity, has set up their first 'KindaVillage'. We are have secured property in Carmarthenshire, Wales, the UK where we are aiming to create a self-sustaining ecovillage as a base for an
intentional community. This will be a community where wealth and success are measured not by personal ownership, but by that of giving. As well as being a co-housing site, our aim is to develop social enterprise businesses as part of the village, based on the passions of those who engage with the
project. Examples might be: an organic cafe and/or bakery crafted ethical products for sale, organic vegetable growth, as well as enterprises that provide social and elderly care, environmental education, wellbeing and alternative schooling facilities for the
local community; attracting tourist and retreat trade. We are however open to any social business ideas that come from people committed to helping us make a success of this venture and at the same time secure a future for themselves within the KindaVillage environment. Such social enterprises will provide income to sustain the intentional community and ultimately
profit to reinvest in further KindaVillage development. We are actively seeking pioneers to join the intentional community and help us realise this project. People who are not only looking for a home but a social purpose. People with the right attitude and skills and who don't mind working hard as part of a team to secure a happy future for themselves and others. We are right at the start of this project and if you would like to join us on the journey then we would encourage you to read further details on our website and send us your application KindaVillage will be a community demonstrating the wealth in sufficiency for a healthy, happy, purposeful life, from joyful birth to contented death.
For more information on who we are and how to join visit our website here