My mom has 2 cats that love to poop outside. Its not fun to be weeding and grab cat poop by accident. They mostly go in the dirt and mulched areas.
Is there something that can be used to keep them away, like a repellent? Ive read lots of different things, but I would like to know what works for you. Mahalo
Brenda Groth wrote: cover the soil with mulch it should help..also keep an area that they can poop in that has sand in an out of the way corner
i have heard citrus peels will work
Thanks for the idea, but they poop in mulch too, theses cats go every where, grass soil, mulch. I also heard the citrus peels to. I need something more long term
I had to resort to chicken wire. The cats thought the tomato/pepper areas were sand boxes, and the young basil appeared to be the best mattress in the yard for afternoon naps.
John Polk wrote: I had to resort to chicken wire. The cats thought the tomato/pepper areas were sand boxes, and the young basil appeared to be the best mattress in the yard for afternoon naps.