I'm having issues with one of my large beds that runs the length of my property that is currently planted with english ivy, sweet woodruff, bee balm, lilacs, peonies, roses, elderberry, and ninebark. I think that the soil might be infected with Phytophthora, Rhizoctonia, or Armillaria, and causing
root rot and massive die-offs. First to go was a prized
rose, that had gotten huge and had the best display, the following year (last year) it just died, almost suddenly. At first I thought that the ivy was choking it, or the
bindweed that I keep fighting to eradicate, but then the peonies didn't come up this year, I've had them for years. Also this year, the lilac is showing serious signs of stress and die-off. Branch-by-branch are dying at the bases, no obvious insect damage, a little powdery mildew, and the same with the ninebark (next to the lilac). (We had been following the cut a little every year to rejuvenate it as it was very tall and leggy) The soil is not overly wet, and this location is in full sun. I'm worried that the soil might be infected, and wanted to see if there is a way to tell, and if it is, a way to remediate the soil without removing all the plants. The only amendments that I have added to the bed is an occasional
compost tea, and in anything I have planted I have added a few scoops of compost when planting. Thanks!