posted 6 years ago
Thank you for investing your time in this, Lucrecia. I have looked into the study you linked to, where several plants were noted as a relatively concentrated source of amentoflavone. Unfortunately, it seems that commercial extracts of these plants are not available, possibly due to a high cost, as noted in the study. For the time being, since I am not a proefssional, it seems I could only experiment with a commercial extract of Ginkgo Biloba, for example, and monitor myself for any change in symptoms.
As for depression, since I am currently searching for solutions for all aspects of my disorder, I have recently purchased Ashwagandha and DLPA (both forms of phenylalanine), and the shipment is on its way. I will experiment with them separately. I am familiar with the supplements you mentioned and did not purchase them only due to the extensive list of antidepressant herbs and supplements, although I may experiment with them in the future. I am not in psychiatric treatment.