One of my pigs has a large growth coming off of her belly. Very worrisome. She is just few months old. Someone said it might be mastitis, another said she would have to have farrowed to have mastitis. Could also be hernia or abscess. In any case I would like to know if anyone has any recommendations for treating it. Thanks.
Crubin, what part of the world are you in? There are certain parasites that behave this way that are more prevalent in some areas.
My uneducated guess is that it may be an umbilical hernia but I would definitely want to rule out parasites or some sort of abscess that would be filled with bacteria.
If the pig is meant for breeding it might be worth a trip to the vet to have a look. A parasite or an abscess can be treated and you still have a good breeder. An umbilical hernia would tell you not to breed this girl.
The expense can be tough to swallow but then you will also know what to look for the next time with out having to pay someone.