I'm working on developing five circles in a tree guild. First is the tree, of
course. 2nd is protective if the tree requires it. Fruit
trees are notorious for attracting bores and other insects, so in my tree guilds this section will be chives, garlic, tansy, whatever works better for that particular tree's pests. The 3rd circle is supportive, such as annuals that die and reseed, nutrient accumulators, nitrogen fixers, etc. 4th circle will be mixed, with more supportive plants mixed with food production. This one is at the eventual tree-line. The 5th circle is beyond the tree line and made up primarily of human crops and
perennial herbs.
I don't have any pictures because I'm still setting up the first stages. I'm still growing trees from seed, so it'll be a year or two before I can start on those. The mature trees have a protective circle established. Any suggestions or ideas? Pictures of similar guilds?