I would like to try growing some of the less-known (in the U.S.) plants that have been indicated as suitable for
permaculture for western WA. If anything here tends to be invasive, please give me a heads-up. (Paul, you'll notice the
honey locust has been taken off the list...
Tagasaste (Chamaecytisus palmensis)
Albizia (Albizia julibrissin)
Silver Wattle (Acacia dealbata)
Other acacias that might be suitable to PNW, USDA Zone 8
Pea Shrub (Caragana siberica, C. arborescens)
Various Mulberry (Morus, alba, M. nigra, etc)
Lab-lab (Dolichos species)
Banana passionfruit (Passiflora mollissima)
Untreated Jerusalem artichoke tubers (Helianthus tuberosus)
Small cuttings, less than a foot long to reduce shipping costs, are also an option.
I can pay for shipping, or trade you something, but I mainly have ornamentals.
Seeds I have (zones are USDA, not Sunset):
Campanula latifolia 'Brantwood' (Purple Bellflower)
Zones 3-8, (
large 2.5" bells), 3-4' tall,
perennial Heliopsis helianthoides 'Summer Sun'
Zones 3-9, about 3' tall, perennial
Pacific irises (mostly blues)
Asclepias incarnata 'Ice Bellet' (White Milkweed)
Zones 3-9, 3-4' tall, perennial
Achillea filipendulina (Yellow fernleaf Yarrow)
Zones 3-9, 4' tall, large flat yellow heads, perennial
Liriodendron tulipifera (American Tulip Tree - NOT Magnolia)
Zones 5-9, height 120' (50' in 20 years), yellow-green
tulip-like flowers. (Low germination rate, will send a goodly
number of seeds)
Acer pseudoplatanus atropurpurea (Purple Sycamore-leaf Maple)
Zones 5or6 -8, 40'+ tall. New foliage is maroon-brown, turning dark green
above and purple underneath (This is not a Japanese maple).
Cuttings I have:
Double white Lilac
Deep purple Lilac
Snowball bush (Viburnum of some kind, probably Japanese or Chinese variety)
Zones 4-7/8 if Chinese, 4-9 if Japanese, 7' shrub, sterile white
snowball-like flowers.