Besides the bible Rodale wrote you can find lots of info within this forum, you can even start a topic and I know you will get good answers from many knowledgeable folks here, including me.
Cotton gin "trash" is great stuff, especially if you get the seeds as well as the junk stems and so on.
Slaughter houses might be regulated from giving you blood and other waste parts (USDA governs all Slaughter operations and most of the "refuse" has to be rendered and dyed)
Stables are a great place to get composting materials, the stall cleanings work very well in compost heaps.
For any off site (as in you can't really know what might be residuals on it) materials it is best to always use
mushroom slurries during the building of the heap and once it is ready to start decaying.
One of the best types of mushroom to slurry for this type of use is oyster mushroom but all mushrooms work at breaking down most of the known contaminates.