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Trond Hogstadt

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since Nov 15, 2011
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SIP's do make a nice tight house Jerry. It looks nice. If you had some PV panels do you think you can approach a net zero energy use?

13 years ago
I can and do make electricity. I have water. I have trees for heat. I can't make a phone call or connect to the internet without that outside provider. Therefore, broadband is important, but I have only 3G and only because I'm on a ridge top with line of sight to the tower. Friends 2 miles away and lower have nothing but dial up. With so much graphical content it would be difficult to go back to slowdems.
13 years ago
I ask because when I was having headaches a decade or more ago it turned out my BP was high. The doc prescribed a pill of course. However, dietary changes and the loss of 15 lbs weight brought it down without the meds. No headaches anymore and no pills.
13 years ago
Any idea of the cause? Blood pressure normal, not high?
13 years ago
I've used the Big Berkey and they are excellent filtration units; essential equipment for people venturing to many parts of the world. This will not be a factor to most users, but one thing to keep in mind is that once the filter itself is wet, freezing temperatures must be avoided to prevent damage to the filter element.
13 years ago
Tab and address bar both show it now in my FF9
my laptop:
IE9 I see it
Chrome 16 I see it
Firefox 9 still nothing, even after a cold system restart

My desktop:
I see it in all three of the same browsers.

One of my computers is behaving strangely then. The other one shows it.

I thought it was a tree, not carrots. My 82 yr old eyes are to blame I imagine.