Sonya Solomon

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since Dec 02, 2011
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I Am new to cast iron and after reading the article I have a few questions.

1. Is there a difference between how to care for regular cast iron and enamaeled cast iron? I have some of both types made by lodge. (I know realize this isn't as good as the old school stuff but I already have it.) Do I season and clean enameled cast iron the same way as described in the article? The enameled cast iron skillet I have ( ) has black rough enamel and is not white and smooth like the enameled dutch oven. Any suggestions on how to work with this?

2. Any more info on coconut oil and cast iron? Someone brought this up earlier but have not heard if there was an answer. I primarily use coconut oil as my oil of choice since there are lots of new healt benefits discovered about it AND it is much more stable at higher temperatures than olive oil. (It is solid at room temp.)

3. I am trying to figure out the best cooking techniques. I am having problems with sticking on both the enameled and non-enameled surfaces. For example, if I sautee veggies, I warm the oil and add minced garlic and shallots and then the veggies. I almost always end up with kinda burnt garlic and shallots on the bottom of the pan. And when I make scrambled eggs, I always end up with a hard cooked layer of egg on the bottom that needs a little soaking to remove.

Any help and suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
13 years ago