Vera Lothian

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since Dec 05, 2011
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Recent posts by Vera Lothian

How big is the plot? I am on heavy clay and never really bothered to get it checked. ime its better to watch the land and see how it reacts. So I just started planting and adding compost and mulching really well. After 4 years of this (and decent crops of corn many greens courgettes beans and tomatoes) my ground is now a lovely water retaining composty clay that is a pleasure to work with. The front garden which I have only recently started to deal with is still like the back was a few years ago. I am treating this much the same lots of plants lots of compost lots of mulch and I trust that it will behave in much the same way as the back did
13 years ago
Thanks! its not so much the instructions onTF that I need, I learned al of that from my grandparents. I was interested especially in the HS angle. I shall keep an eye out incase it runs again.

Thanks again!
13 years ago
lovely thanks! I hadn't heard of this one before
13 years ago

Dale Hodgins wrote:    I wonder if this guy is trying to be the new Borat. Wouldn't it be funny if he turns out to be an American who has mastered this accent for self promotional purposes.

Having now watched several video's I highly doubt his German status....

As an immigrant to the UK I can however confirm the confusions with the language. One of my favourites is Reading and reading, both spelled the same way but pronounced entirely differently why??? no-one can tell me!
13 years ago
that could be most of the early 20ers in my road...
13 years ago
Lol! do you watch Big Bang Theory? there was an episode where everything was deiced by dice just as one would in an RPG
13 years ago
We're reversed here hubby grew up on a smallholding and in no way wants to go back, I would love to have smallholding. We comprimised and bought a house with the most amount of garden we could get. We live on the edge of a town close enough to the countryside. He has all the perks of a "normal" home and I get to do all the "hippy" stuff lol!
WE still occasionally clash on stuff (really you want an outdoors oven why woman!) but generally we have found ways to compromise. I tolerate his obscene amount of computerstuff and he pees on a strawbale
13 years ago