Dave Hartman

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since Jan 07, 2012
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Recent posts by Dave Hartman

I really like a dark bronze, browns and drab greens : )
2 years ago
I cant wait to read this book. I watch and listen to all the verge permaculture stuff, also listen to Takotas talks on Curtiss' channel. Would love to hear Rob on there too!
3 years ago
Thanks for all you do, y'all are my favorite people! We listen to all your stuff. Awesome!
3 years ago
I am currently working on a quasi Chinese/pit greenhouse combo. I would love to hear more about them.
4 years ago
Howdy, I love my Rouge hoe, A-frame level, compass, pitch fork, Mora knife, and broad fork.
4 years ago
I have used woodchips, leaves, and then added worms to the mix with great results for granite soil. It has taken years though. It sounds like you are on your way.
5 years ago
I have a rogue hoe that I have used for many years, That forkin hoe looks very handy for things the rogue hoe cant do.
5 years ago
We love orach! It is an awesome self-seeder. We also grow some giant lambs quarter that we got from Jerome at CRMPI that does well under the same conditions.
5 years ago
I just used actual cotton sheets. I work at a Hot Springs/hotel and they always have a bunch of mismatched sets in the up for grabs box. I also use a lot of leaves and then top it with twigs/wood chip. I harvested the materials from the local refuse transfer site that is just down the road from the Hot Springs(I really hate to go home with an empty truck) . I have also added goat, chicken and sheep manure and bedding in the past. I am constantly adding sheet mulch as the grass starts to come in. My original granite soil has become dark rich humus teaming with life. I also like to sheetmulch on contour. These areas become swales and then later terraces as I mulch the ditch in to get larger areas .I have laid rotting logs down, manure and then sheetmulched that all on contour many times as well. This does take a year or two to become ready for plants though. It works well for me.
5 years ago
I noticed some fleas on my cat Mandu. I gave him a warm bath with 1 tablespoon of neem oil mixed in. He looks a bit ragged because of the oil but it has seem to have solve my problem.
5 years ago