Fred Bergen

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since Jan 14, 2012
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Recent posts by Fred Bergen

Hi John, I think you're right. I was just hoping for a cheap solution.
13 years ago
Thanks Greg,
But I need more room than a lodge grill or any other grill top that I've seen.
This is what I'd like to make and it takes a lot of space.
Hiroshima Style Okonomiyaki - YouTube

It's 12 minutes and only someone interested in food porn would sit threw it.
Pancake, cabbage, 2 types sprouts, bacon, noodles, eggs, oysters, sauces and sprinkles of ...

Thanks again for the reply.

13 years ago
Thanks Leila, That's a very good point and was addressed in the YouTube, but I should have included that info for those who didn't want to plow thought the vidios.
Thank You, Fred
13 years ago
Hi All,
My best friend is a Doctor and brought up the benefits of bonito peptides. So being a foodie, I sent the following to my children and friends. I thought you might find this helpful.

Hi kids, I made some miso soup for Wayne the other day because he brought up the benefits of Bonito peptides. I don't think he had had some. I know you may have had it before (Makados?) but may not be aware of what it was and it's health benefits and how it is prepared and how easy it is to prepare. It is eaten at least once a day in Japan and contributes to their overall good heath.

Miso Soup is miso added to a dashi and a Dashi is made from Kombu (a lg seaweed) and Bonito flakes. Each of these 3 elements have great benefits and is very satisfying. The follow are some excepts to give you some idea of why we should include this in our diets. You can add many other foods to this basic soup. Usually scallions and sm cubes of tofu in a restaurant but mushrooms etc.
Love, Dad
Eat, Love and be Happy!

How To Make Your Own Dashi

How to make perfect miso soup Health benefits
This section requires expansion.
Researchers at Japan's National Cancer Centre claim that miso soup cuts the risk of breast cancer.[1]
Pure miso paste nutritional information: Although high in sodium (over 400% DV), one cup (275 g) of miso paste is an excellent source of dietary fiber (59%) and protein (64% DV), as well as a good source of minerals . Miso paste is also high in amino acids, the basic building blocks of protein. An excellent source of vitamin K and a decent source of riboflavin (38% DV), miso also provides small amounts of other vitamins. One major benefit of miso is its extremely high omega-3 and omega-6fatty acid content.
The nutritional benefits of miso are incomplete on their own. However, when low-sodium miso paste is used in combination with ingredients such as tofu, dashi, scallions, katsuobushi (a common ingredient in stock dashi), and other vegetables, miso soup can provide a complete meal.[citation needed]

Wayne told me about the Bonito peptides!

Bonito Peptides: A Natural, Safe Approach to Lowering High Blood Pressure
Contributed by Metagenics

Japanese researchers have identified nine specific active peptides in dried bonito fish. Some of these enzyme's properties enable the bonito peptide mixture to have a sustainable blood pressure-lowering effect in borderline and mildly hypertensive individuals, without causing a quick rise in blood pressure after skipping a dose.


Three human clinical trials have been successfully conducted using bonito peptides in subjects with borderline or mild hypertension. Data has revealed significant decreases in blood pressure, with an average decrease of 10 mm Hg in systolic blood pressure and 7 mm Hg in diastolic blood pressure after several weeks of use. In a recent study, researchers used an optimized bonito peptide mixture of 1.5 grams daily.

Clinical trial research suggests that bonito peptides are approximately 64 percent effective in reducing blood pressure in borderline and mildly hypertensive subjects. In these short-term clinical trials, no adverse side effects were reported, suggesting that bonito peptides have an excellent safety profile. In an unpublished, preclinical pilot study, bonito peptides did not lower blood pressure in subjects with blood pressure already in normal range. Furthermore, no rebound or reverse effect or abnormally high blood pressure levels were observed after supplement termination in short-term trials with borderline and mildly hypertensive subjects.
This site breaks down the vitamines and minerals of Kombu. They didn't paste..?
Reference : Gotei Zoho Shokuhin Seibunhyo 2006

13 years ago
Hi All,
I would like to make a grill that will cover my gas stove top. Average size of a 4 burner stove but it has 5. It could even be a little larger. Can sheet steel work? Can it be sanded to an appropriate finish so as not to stick. 3/16" or 1/4" thick? I really like the Hiroshima Style Okonomiyaki, I saw on YouTube. Basically a japanese pancake with a massive amount of cabbage sprouts, noodle fried, bacon, topped with an egg with 3 oysters. Would also be handy for get togethers. Grill steel looks milled and grills are quite expensive. Any suggestions? Thanks, Fred
13 years ago