peter koenig

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since Jan 15, 2012
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Wow, that is significant.
I understand the concept where hot gasses rise in the center of the heat riser, and then fall as they cool in contact with the outside barrel.
but did not think that would be able to pull enough fresh air in for the fire.

In all liquid siphons, the outlet needs to be lower than the input so that the fluid runs downhill
I think this is because the downhill side weighs more than the uphill side.

I think all other types of stoves require a chimney.

If you add a chimney does it flow too fast and waste heat in the exhaust?

13 years ago
I was looking at the
Rocket Stove Mass Heater page
that is part of the Permaculture Articles by Paul Wheaton

one thing that struck me is that in the illustrations it shows the exhaust from the stove to be at the same level or Below the intake!

without some heat rising up a chimney, how does it flow? (drawing in fresh air for the fire)

thank you
13 years ago