Rocket Mass Heater Manual
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Tracy Boon

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since Feb 17, 2012
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Hi I was wondering about the dehydrators on the youtube video. We would like to build one like the last one, my question is this, I live in michigan, will this work for me? also i saw a bit of mention to it being used as a smoker. Is there a place here or where ever that has good solid info on drying meats this way? It would be along the lines as using a cold smoke house correct ?, where the smoke enters from the outside, rather than being cooked? I think these are fabulous!
12 years ago

That is really neat, I am pretty new to all of this, i have always hot water bathed for canning, and am really looking to expanding my horizons, I will definitely look into oven canning.
12 years ago
Hello, new here, I was wondering if it possible to make the veggie chips in a solar dehydrator? We would like to build one this year, and this would really great addition to the pantry. Also how long can they be expected to last put up in the pantry?
12 years ago