Nickie Irvine

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since Feb 23, 2012
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Thanks Paul. That helps me to figure out which one to get. Just to clarify how you are measuring the 15W heating pad - are you pro-rating it over a 24 hour period (and turning it off when you are not at your station), or is your 24-hr metering for leaving it on for 24 hours? I think the former, but wanted to make sure. Nickie

13 years ago
I've been very interested in your "heat bubble" idea - a friend shared it with me, and I've been sharing it too. But when I try to reproduce your ~80W setup, I cannot find the pet warmer available in a 15W model. The link in your article is for a 40-60W heat pad. Can't find 15W anywhere. Do you have another link or more detail on what you bought?

Thanks, Nickie
13 years ago