Cathe' Fish

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since Mar 15, 2012
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Nevada City, California
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Recent posts by Cathe' Fish

Check out Old Time Scotch Collies. The original Lassies. Amazing homestead dogs. I first heard about them from a Countryside Magazine article claiming they were multi purpose dogs. So glad I read that article, as these dogs are very special.  
2 years ago
Thanks for showing us your list, Andrew.
Thankfully it has actual permaculture women on it, not just women that Paul  and the rest of us admire.

Robyn Francis is my vote.

Cathe' Fish
Practical Permaculture Research Institute
11 years ago
Try Emerald Carpet Rubus pentalobus.
The berries are edible.

How is Zone 9 subtropical?

Cathe' Fish
Practical Permaculture Research Institute
12 years ago
There are a limited number of scholarships for the Wise Traditions Cnference
More info:


Mercury, Glutathione and Alzheimer’s

Traditional Food Preparation

The Gut, Brain and Skin Connection

Alzheimer’s and Coconut Oil
Gut and Psychology Syndrome
Traditional Diets

Science of Farming

Healing Chronic Pain
Recovery from Chronic Disease
Dark Field Microscopy

The Threefold Man and the Fourfold Man
Gut, Mind and Homeopathy

How to Fix a Broken Brain

Muscle Testing

Zinc Deficiency

Magnesium Miracle

Treating ADD/ADHD

Treating Schizophrenia and Related Conditions

Mastering Artisan Cheesemaking

Traditional Posture and Movement

Tending the Wild

The Plants We Eat

Indigenous Ways

Fermented Foods Business

Marketing with Facebook and Blogs


M. Kat Anderson, author of Tending the Wild

Peter Ballerstedt, PhD, pasture expert

Scott Bevins of

Joette Calabrese, HMC, CCH, RSHom (NA), homeopath

Gianaclis Caldwell, author of Mastering Artisan Cheesemaking

Natasha Campbell-McBride, MD, author of Gut and Psychology Syndrome

Tom Cowan, MD, author of The Fourfold Path to Healing

Hannah Crum, Kombucha Mamma of Kombucha Kamp

Kaayla Daniel, PhD, author of The Whole Soy Story

Carolyn Dean, MD, ND, author of Magnesium Miracle

Sally Fallon Morell, MA author of Nourishing Traditions

Bruce Fife, ND, author of The Coconut Oil Miracle

Monica Ford,

Steven Fowkes, Cognitive Enhancement Research Institute

Esther Gokhale, L Ac, author of 8 Steps to a Pain-Free Back

Deborah Gordon, MD,

Nancy Herrick, PA, DH (hon),

Jennifer House, practicing ethnobotanist

Don Huber, PhD, GMO expert

Anore Jones, author of The Fish We Eat

Rachel Kaplan, author of The Urban Homesteader

Sandor Katz, author of Wild Fermentation

Chris Kerston, Chaffin Family Orchards

Chris Kresser, L Ac, the Personal Paleo Code

Pam Killeen, author of Addiction: The Hidden Epidemic

Andrea Malmberg, the Allan Savory Institute

Chris Masterjohn, expert on fat-soluble vitamins

Mark McAfee, CEO, Organic Pastures Dairy

Holly McClenahan, bioresonance expert

Judith McGeary, Esq., president Farm and Ranch Freedom Association

Ann Marie Michaels, social media expert

Ruth Mueller, expert on NAET

Ananda S Prasad, MD, PhD, MACN

Jessica Prentice, author of Full Moon Feast

Julia Ross, MA, author of The Diet Cure

Beverly Rubik, PhD, expert in dark field microscopy

Kim Schuette on GAPS and mental health

Stephanie Seneff, PhD, expert on sulphur and vitamin D

Brandon Sheard, the

Jeffrey Smith, author of Seeds of Deception

Tara Smith, Tara Firma Farms

Jerry Tennant, MD, author of Healing Chronic Pain

Kim Thompson, movement instructor

Theresa Vernon, LAc, expert on minerals in the body

Tamara Wilder,

John Wood, founding member & CEO, U.S. Wellness Meats
12 years ago
I can’t wait to attend the Wise Traditions Conference this year. M Kat Andrews, author of Tending the Wild: Native American Knowledge and the Management of California’s Natural Resources, will be speaking on Sunday. I am so looking forward to hearing her as I love her book. Speaking next will be Anore Jones, who studied how the Inuit eat and how they traditionally preserved their food.

Shan Kendall and I are co-chapter leaders of the Gold Country chapter of the Weston A. Price Foundation. As chapter leaders, we help people find locally-grown organic and biodynamic vegetables, fruits and grains; and milk products, butter, eggs, chicken and meat from pasture-fed animals. We also represent the Weston A Price Foundation at local fairs and conferences. Shan teaches cooking classes. Our chapter has monthly potluck dinners, tho’ in August every year we have a fun picnic in the park in Nevada City, CA. We also help people find health practitioners including MDs, DOs and dentists who share our philosophy of healing with food and herbs. At the 2011 convention, Shan and I were awarded 2011 Activist Awards. We were very surprised.

You can find a chapter near you here: Or you can start a chapter near you.

Check out the videos on the website: You can take a beginner's tour too:

I have been a permaculture instructor, consultant and designer since 1987. When we put on Permaculture Design Courses, we serve the locally grown nutrient dense foods prepared by Shan Kendall from local farms using recipes from the cookbook Nourishing Traditions. We also discuss and show how to make fermented foods from the same cookbook as well as Bill Mollison’s The Permaculture Book of Ferment and Human Nutrition Sandor Katz’s Wild Fermentation is a good resource too.

If you are teaching PDCs, consider supplying coconut oil, raw butter or other quality saturated fats for your students to add to tea and coffee to keep their brains functioning at a high level, or serve Lemon Balm tea Melissa officinalis for alertness (unless someone is taking Thyroid medication)

Cathe’ Fish
Practical Permaculture Research Institute
Sunshine Works Organic Farm
Grass Valley,California

12 years ago