David Texen

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since Mar 19, 2012
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Recent posts by David Texen

Burns have been an epic fail, only getting 100 F on top of drum. tearing down to base. Only thing i can think of is we just built it with only cob. Going to break down the cob this time and add charcoal and actually make forms . add the charcoal to cob and make actual fire brick from the forms. hope this does it getting so tired of this, don't know where I am getting the strength to do this every day. We are up to Rocket mass heater V1.09 and am just spent. one man team with the wife as foreman now so maybe you guy's can understand where I'm coming from. She hasn't helped at all on any of it yet she want to try this and that, and I'm like I tried that back in ver 1.04. Thought for the day, is living off the grid suppose to be this hard lol
12 years ago
been having a lot of trouble building it think we are at Rocket mass heater Ver 1.09 keep, so tired of brake it down and start from scratch. but if anyone is intrested I have bunch of videos of what not to do at

will keep putting them up and talking about our experiences as we go along.
12 years ago
I had heard of that but wasn't sure if it made it hard enough to not flake off when sweeping and mopping.
12 years ago
thank you was just what I needed to know. will do all above till it works out right.
12 years ago
I'm looking through the forms and I can't find any talk of finishing the cob heater. We have ours inside and I want to be able to sweep and mop without small amounts of cob coming off, so what would you use to make the outside hard and stable to sweeping and mopping?
12 years ago