Travis Dodson

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since May 04, 2012
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Working on a two acre project in North Kohala spreading the knowledge, sharing the abundance, and boosting the genetic diversity in our local food system.
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North Kohala, Hawaii
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Recent posts by Travis Dodson

Dwarf coconuts from India, diverse corn varieties from Chiapas, Mexico, papaya from Bali, peach palm, pilinut, diverse nitrogen fixers, a garlic that grows well in the sub tropics, perennial onions, dragons blood tree, palo santo, coco de mer, and Caribbean hot peppers-
11 years ago
It comes up as an abundant welcome weed in my garden here on the Big Island in zone 11. Grows well from division.
12 years ago
Pigeon peas foliage can be pruned back up to 80% for mulching surrounding plantings. I have heard of people using it as a a short term living fence as well. I use them for protection of young trees being attacked by rose beetle and as an NFP in all my tree plantings.We eat them mostly as edamame or culture them into tempeh. In the sub- tropics they are a very important plant for food self reliance because one plant produces so much. Be careful, one thing I have noticed when saving seed is if you don't shell them before storing they can get eaten by some sort of beetle. The pod protects the pest as they feast and you can see the beetle entry as one small hole in the pod. I usually discard these pods because they are not worth sorting through.
Hope this helps-
12 years ago