John Richer

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since May 05, 2012
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Recent posts by John Richer

I've got one from Lee Valley and it is well made & tough..,42706,40718
11 years ago
today I saw black ants all over these little bugs under the leaves of some weeds.. does anyone know what they are? are ants a problem in the garden? Looks like they were feeding on whatever those bugs are.. I managed to get a pic of what I thought was a large one..
12 years ago
I know that there are many different ways to make paths in the garden or in between rows, etc. I don't know if grass is ideal, so I wanted to see what others are doing. I have just planted white clover this year in our pathways, to keep the grass down, and encourage bees to come. Not sure if this will work next year, as the grass could creep back in. I'm also experimenting with rye grass/straw in between our long wide rows in the field. Any other suggestions?
12 years ago
oops- Looks like I should have searched this topic before posting..
thanks for all the great responses! I'm going to figure out a good way to sift out the nails, etc. and then use it for the garden & compost
12 years ago
Does anyone know what to do with wood ashes? I read some where it is the same as adding lime to your soil. What's it good for?
12 years ago