Lee Morgan

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since May 09, 2012
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Toronto, Ontario, Canada
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Recent posts by Lee Morgan

Where would you get started if you were looking to use wood gassification in the city / suburbia? Are there less obvious systems?
10 years ago
The Story of Dick Proenneke is great. Relaxing and inspiring. I really like the following video where Caesar builds a canoe with a crook knife and an axe basically. In three languages but mostly no talking.

11 years ago
Something simple. Like the dandylion video. Why spray when they are actually helping the soil. It starts them on the road from "weed" to beneficial perennial.
11 years ago
I think it is a mistake to think that the native populations always had it right though. The Iroquois practised slash and burn. When they used up a location they migrated. In Southern Ontario after the Iroquois burned up the land around Toronto, they migrated north west toward Manitoulin Island. When they were still hunter-gatherers, everything was fine. It was only when they practicted large scale farming that they were less than optimal.
11 years ago
I am more concerned about solutions people have found for designing using permaculture rather than the bylaws themselves. What works well in a tight urban space?
12 years ago
Is lard that you buy by the block at the grocery store processed a specific way? What is the shelf life of that (which is just wrapped in a piece of parchment)?
12 years ago
I would like to build an Algonquin style wigwam, using local materials. I live in Canada and I would like to experience building a structure that is native to my area. It would be along term structure possibly on a piece of wilderness property.

Is there a good resource on these kind of structures? I have heard about wigwams that have an insulation layer and others that are purely bark.

Have you heard about the style of structure that has a continuous spiraling horizontal frame pattern? (I have seen this design at the Tracker School)

I am also interested in other native dwellings that use materials in my area (Easter Woodlands up to the Eastern Canadian Shield)


12 years ago
Has anyone created wigwams? What type of roofing materials have you used? What is the lifespan of a wigwam? and what is the size?
12 years ago
Can you "can" bacon grease? Like make it entirely shelf stable without it going rancid?

Right now I leave a jar of it in my freezer, but is there an option to either pressure can or water bath can bacon grease so that I can store it without using power?
12 years ago
Is there a specific feed on Permies for Urban Permaculture? I have a small lot and I was curious what people do in a restrictive (bylaw heavy) environment with their available space.
12 years ago