Matt Martin

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since Jun 12, 2012
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Recent posts by Matt Martin

Do you have any pics of how you are framing up your windows or doors? The progress is slow. We had to bring in more than 300 yards of sand because we have lots of clay in our ground that shrinks and swells with the seasons. The foundation work is currently underway, but the rain that we just got and are expecting to get in the near future will definately slow progress as well. If you have any other pics that would be very helpful as well. Thanks
12 years ago
I am new the this website but find a lot of these threads very interesting. I am about to embark on the trial and error method of converting a grain silo into a house. I saw this thread and got very interested when I saw the drawings of window cutouts. Will the 2" angle iron be able to support and keep the silo structurally sound? Would you do a similar cutout for the doors?
12 years ago