Misty May wrote:Sorry, but I don't believe any of that belongs in the school curriculum. Those are things that parents and/or community members should be teaching. We pile too much onto the plates of schools and teachers. It seems that we've forgotten that "parent" is also a verb.
I agree to a point.
HOWEVER, I think maybe some of it could be covered as part of a biology class.
We cut up frogs. That only helps those who want to be doctors, nurses and serial killers.
We had chemistry where we spent 6 months memorizing and being tested on the periodic table. As far as I know, that helped no one because in my college class, the whole table was painted in the wall.
Biology should cover
First aid
The difference between modern medicine and where medicine evolved from
How compost works
Intro to nutrition and how to read foods labels
How things/plants grow -in general.
We didn't WAY too much time studying ancient ways to name things and how the names evolve. That should be college level.
Chemistry should cover how chemistry is used daily. How yeast forms and is used to make bread. How baking soda and vinegar react. An entire chemistry class could be taught in a kitchen and home based curriculum that shows how and what is used for cooking and cleaning or homes daily. Show what chemicals are dangerous and WHY and why they are in everyday products.