Kc Grant

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since Jul 05, 2012
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Hey everybody,

Its great to see some people with a stronger intention to make moves with their lives.  (edit) I suppose all this should be read by interested parties.

@Kyrt Yes, water is always a concern here in this state.  As you mentioned, a big trade-off is the amount of sun.  Another trade-off with this place in particular is the access to the wilderness.  As I gathered up permie knowledge and such over the years, I gradually began to realize the abundance that is already there.  Water is an issue for lettuce, not for wild rose hips. Water is an issue for tomatoes, not so much for currants.  So I have found that this space really is prime for both cultivation of traditional farmed crops (more or less), but also that with a community, wild-crafting and preserving can be done with efficiency.  Albeit a change of perspective for the farmer may be needed in regards to work patterns, and more importantly taste patterns.  With all that said, there is more than enough space to cultivate for the entire surrounding community.

@Matt Hello, we have been hesitant to break the sections apart for a variety of reasons, but it is still a possibility.  I will keep you in the loop if something of that nature does occur. Or if something of equal potential arises.  We could meet up at some point during this winter.

@Amy Hey Alaskans, I miss it up there.  Yeah the climate battery is super nifty.  We are definitely interested in extending the season up here.  Ive had the good fortune of being able to visit Jerome's space and take a course on his greenhouses.  Oranges in winter are kinda nice That course is offered during summers out there at CRMPI.  In regards to strait farming, this is probably not the most ideal setting CO has to offer.  As Kyrt mentioned, there is a good amount of hail (especially in June)(side note: at that elevation it usually doesn't get too big, but it is somewhat frequent certain years), wind, and at 8000ft, the sun can be excessive for a number of plants.  With that said, this part of the state has reminded me of Alaska more than most anywhere else I have visited in the lower 48.  Moose, snow, cold, and privacy.  All of course miniature compared to AK.  So if you are looking for a BIG leap, might not be the spot.  But if you are looking for a smaller leap, with vast amounts more sun, then you're on the right track.  

So, we have two people here who are looking for smaller sections, I have a third nearly guaranteed and a couple more possibilities.  This will all be factored in.  Community is a highly desired goal, it is also more difficult to initially navigate, especially with the factors we are working with (zoning, financial obligations, off-grid living, desires of existing members)

Thank you all for your interest in both the space up here, and also in seeking out a healthier life.

If you want to add anything more (ie about yourself, more specific on your goals, your needs, wants, capabilities) please pm.  

Take Care,
8 years ago

I am glad to see you are looking for a change in your life. Yeah, the winters are not easy around here, that is for sure.  Let me know your plans a little closer to the time you plan on being in the area.  In the meantime, keep staying positive yourself.

8 years ago
(This has been updated)

Hey Everybody,

My family and I purchased some land two summers ago in the Northern Colorado mountains. This is 70 acres in total, but really two neighboring plots of 35 acres each with Roosevelt National Forest bordering. We are looking for someone to purchase one of them to become a mountain homesteader with us.

Thus far we have focused on bringing infrastructure up there (a couple large greenhouses, small shed, amending soil) and developing observations. The opportunities are endless here as it borders national forest on two sides, has a 'spring' running through it, a creek within 5 minutes walking, and 5 lakes within 20 minutes walking. Being so close to the forest has allowed for a large amount of wild foraging of medicines and food. The spring is really a creek that runs on the edge of property. I am certain it dries up many years, but it has not in the two years I have been here (we do not have irrigation rights to either creek, but animals...). Not too mention quite a bit of beetle kill wood (on-site lumber), great sun exposure (just below 8000ft. elevation), gently sloping grassland, and fairly decent soil depth/fertility considering we are in the Rocky Mountains. I would say about 75% of both plots are prairie with 25% Ponderosa Pine/Douglas Fir forest with a few rock outcroppings.

What/how etc. are all still in the works as to how it will all look in the long run. What we have agreed upon thus far is that we are very interested in having a relatively intentional community living there and developing it into a permaculture/re-wilding education center.

I have an Advanced PDC, Soil Food Web Certification, actively learning about wild plants (along with many other courses and self-teachings) and have been active in the permie world for a handful of years now. With that written, there are still many areas I would like to engage in more. In particular, I would like to be apart of the creation and holding of space for people to come and be inspired.

So, back to the land. My family and I have worked very hard to be able to meet the financial responsibility that we have accepted and have succeeded. Unfortunately, this has forced more stream-lined efforts to develop the educational center to be put on the back burner. We are looking to sell the front 35 acres as is, or would consider dividing various sections of the land for smaller investments of 'ownership.' The preferred goal is to have community members (permaculturists, naturalists, woodsy folk) that will be working together on various projects so that the lines of ownership do not run black or white.

Potential rotational grazing, A large food forest already in the works, Mushroom cultivation, Natural Home-building, Wild-crafting, Fermentation Kitchen, and many other ideas are all possible here.

I have also developed a network in this part of the state of other Earth minded folks who also have or are acquiring space. These people will be able to coordinate, arrive and help with bigger projects. EX. home-building, big planting day, watering for a weekend. Not too mention, they provide the opportunity for you to have access to their space for other projects.

Also, there are a few in the nearby community who already have established sites with goats' milk, eggs, etc. that would love to increase the food exchange network.

The site itself is over an hour away from any real civilization (Fort Collins, CO), 20 minutes away from a very small town, nestled in the national forest. There is no HOA. And you get my brother and me as your neighbors. Hard working 20 year olds with a lot of knowledge and two years growing experience in this climate.

Keep in mind this is in the Rockies, so plenty of wind, sun, temperature fluctuations, and critters of the wild sort are frequent design problutions. I also believe that for some of the farming that you would do at a lower elevation, you would trade that for more wild-crafting and learning how to work with the plants and animals already here. With that written, I do have a very healthy crop of garlic and cilantro going right now (without a greenhouse) and have had some great success with peppers (inside). Also, the air is clean, mountains call to be played on, and there is top-of-the-watershed water nearby, one doesn't get that too often in CO.

Let me know when you want to come see it.

Please include any specific questions as well as who you are, what you may be interested in. Remember no question is not worth asking and very few answers are simple. So phone would be preferred. A price is not so fixed as potential for us to talk about getting a well (already have a permit for it) and/or building a home is a possibility if you are looking for a summer get-away. We are putting it on the market for $209,000. Please send me your contact information and I will definitely get back to you.

Take Care,

PS A rent to own type situation is a possibility too to the right person.
8 years ago

My family and I purchased some land two summers ago in the Northern Colorado mountains. 70acres in total, but it is really two neighboring plots of 35ea.

Thus far we have focused on bringing some infrastructure up there and taking basic observations (a couple large greenhouse, small shed, ammending soil). The opportunities are endless here as it also borders national forest on two sides, has a 'spring' running through it, a creek within 5 minutes walking, and 5 lakes within 20 minutes walking. Not too mention quite a bit of beetle kill wood, great sun exposure, gently sloping grassland, and fairly decent soil depth/fertility considering its the rockies.

What/how etc. are all still in the works as to how it will all look in the long run. (aka a grand plan has not been formulated). What we have agreed upon thus far is that we are very interested in having a relatively intentional community living there and developing it into a permaculture/re-wilding education center.

I have an Advanced PDC (hehe, titles are funny) Soil Food Web Certificate (along with many other courses and self-teachings) and have been active in the permie world for a handful of years now. I am also an avid observer of relationships (with eachother, with plants, with Earth, with our selves etc.) I love the Earth and I wish to see humanity snap out of its funk, and I feel a key for that is to look at the dynamics of those relations.

A helpful key in discovering these elements of 'human' nature is to have a good community space surrounding.

So, back to the land. We have worked very hard to be able to meet the financial responsibility that we have accepted, but have found that the load is very high and more stream-lined efforts to develop the educational center have had to be put on the back burner. We have considered selling the front 35 as is, or even dividing various sections of the land for smaller investments of 'ownership.' But the preferred goal is to have community members (permaculturists, naturalists, woodsy folk) that will be working together on various projects so that the lines of ownership do not run black or white.

I have also developed a network in this part of the state of other Earth minded folks who also have or are acquiring space. These people will be able to coordinate, arrive and help with big projects ex home-building, big planting day. Not too mention, give you potential access to their space for other projects.

Also, there are a few in the nearby community who already have established sites with goats milk, eggs etc that would love to increase the food exchange network.

Potential rotational grazing, A large food forest already in the works, Mushroom cultivation, Natural Home-building, Wild-crafting, Fermentation Kitchen, and many other ideas are all plans for the land.

The site itself is an hour away from any real civilization, 20 minutes away from a very small town, nestled in the national forest. It is mostly south facing grassland (85%) but there is a good stand of trees with plenty of usable lumber. The surrounding forest is pretty much all trees (Ponderosa, Aspen, Doug Fir) and rock outcroppings. And you would get my brother and me as your neighbor. Hard working 20 year olds.

Keep in mind this is in the Rockies, so plenty of wind, sun, temperature fluctuations, and critters of the wild sort are frequent design problutions. Yet, the air is clean, mountains call to be played on, and there is top-of-the-water-shed water nearby, one don't get that too often in CO. Let me know if you want more information.

Please include any specific questions as well as who you are, what you may be interested in. A price has not been fixed as potential for us to talk about getting a well (already have a permit for it) and/or building a home is a possibility. Also, we are interested in how much space/money/other needs you are working with.

Take Care
9 years ago
For anyone in the the Fort Collins, CO area (and Northern Colorado in general), this upcoming saturday will be the first planning and design meeting for an action based permaculture guild. This meeting will be especially beneficial for those who want a more solid role in the coordination of large groups, decision-making of projects, and/or development of a non-hierarchical system of group process. Or even those who are just committed to working together to hammer out the ideas of all those in the group. Many of us are already connected to farms, acreage and other spaces, but we are always looking for others who have space or ideas to be developed for the interests of a healthy Earth, thriving community, and happy critters of all kinds. With that in mind, this meeting is open to everyone and anyone who wants to come. See you there..

Wolverine Farm Publick House
316 Willow St
Fort Collins, CO
Sat. 19 at 5-6pm
9 years ago
Hey William,

I was just curious a few things about you. First off which part of CO are you in (or where would you like to end up)? Second, what is the nature of your project? I am located in northern CO in the mountains and was thinking about diving into some mushroom experiments. We do not have much infrastructure in a certain sense (particularily living space). So it is truly rural living. I can tell you more about myself in an e-mail, but I would like to know your goals and needs. On a more general note, I have a few friends in the Fort Collins area that are very active in what your interests are. So this might be a direction you'd consider.

9 years ago
Hello everybody,

So to make my grander permaculture dreams a reality I have decided to make a compost business. I am a 27yo male who has learned permaculture through school, outside coursework, hands-on experience and general living practices over the past handful of years. I am passionate about the soil and I believe the success of the land already in cultivation around the world is dependent on their soils being healthy. So generating healthy soil is a priority and getting people to stop destroying it would be the first priority in getting that done. This part especially includes stopping the use of salt-based fertilizers, over-tilling, and lawn herbicides. So here I am starting up a business to offer a product and service to homeowners, farmers, and ranchers to get them off the toxins and on to soil regeneration. This is my financial strategy, to get in the door with people who may not resonate with these 'new' farming techniques being offered and this allows me to have a roof over my head so I can continue to grow the permie movement everywhere. I have basic funding, but I started a webfunding website and would be super happy if you could at the very least check it out, freely share it, or awesomely support it. Thank you again. If you have any comments lemme know. I am always into new information. I am in the Colorado front range area so if your around and want to chat or need help on your farm give me a shout.


Enjoy the Day

10 years ago
Quail springs, inland from ventura,ca has always inspired me. They do a lot of courses, but if it works out it might be nice to stop by.
11 years ago
Hey, golden has a few things, so does the city of denver. You should visit denver urban homesteading, its located off of santa fe, just north of where it intersects 25. There open, thurs thru sat i believe with sat. being the big day. To be honest, everywhere is pretty open to projects, the denver area is really open to change and if your neighbors arent bothered it seems you can get away with some stuff. Littleton, arvada, golden all have had law changes due to public request (and hardwork i should add). I would like to thank those people. But yeah DUH should help inform you.
11 years ago