Callee Smith

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since Jul 06, 2012
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I mostly scatter seed. Mostly because I work a lot but really want to keep a big garden. I have found a few tricks because of this. I like to scatter carrots,dill, beets, arugula, turnips, radish, lettuce and other things that do well close together. I may just water or but a layer of good compost on top and pat it down a bit. I have found that I get a better result scattering then putting each individual seed in the ground because I have time to plant more seed this way. After things start to come up in the spring I fill in bare spots with things that I have started indoors like my cabbages. Also I had this idea one year to mulch my garden with leaves in the fall to see how it worked out. The slugs where horrible the next spring but I had pulled up potatoes that fall I left the inedible one on the ground. I had a little crop of red potatoes the following spring. It was wonderful. I have sense read about some famous gardener doing this with straw. She would lay her seed potato out in the fall with a good layer of straw over top and the starts would come up in the spring. I know there are a few good things about scattering seed that I have taken inspiration from gaia's garden about polyculture beds.
I really don't know a whole lot about KY. What do you mean the code has changed a lot recently? More acceptable to people interested in homesteading or not. Thank You for your input. Berea does sound very interesting. I might have to visit to see if it is a good fit or not.
9 years ago
Me and My husband are looking for land. We currently live in Dayton, Ohio. We have family here and would like to stay relatively close 2 to 3 hours away. We have 15000 to work with for buying land and really do not want to take out a loan. We are super interested in permaculture and want to be in a place we can build a earth structure as we have the money for it. In the beginning we want to live in a small shed 200 to 300 square feet. We are also interested in the arts (music and visual arts). My husband is currently in school. He will Finnish his associates this coming fall 2015 in biology. We would like to be kind of close to a school that he could finish his BA that would be affordable. We don't really want to live with a lot of code restrictions, live with out debt and have a good community with slimier interest. Does any one have any suggestions? I would like to hear from homesteaders and people interested in permaculture who may have advice for me from OH and KY.
9 years ago